
  • New York State Department of Education states that New York State teachers, administrators, and pupil personnel service providers are required to hold a New York State certificate in order to be employed in the State’s public schools. The certificates are issued by the Office of Teaching Initiatives, and certify that an individual has met required degree, coursework, assessment, and experience requirements. Certificates are issued in a number of titles in three major categories: classroom teaching, administrative and supervisory, and pupil personnel service (e.g., school counselor, psychologist, social worker).

    To learn more about certification requirements, visit the Office of Teaching Initiatives.

    Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention (DASA) Certification Training

    DASA: New York State's Dignity for All Student's Act (Dignity Act) seeks to provide NYS public elementary and secondary school students with a safe, supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. The Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES is a NYSED approved provider of DASA training. The required 6-hour training consists of two parts: Part 1 is a 3-hour online training with accompanying assessment. Part 2 is a 3-hour in-person training. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, this will take place via Zoom.  Please check our Professional Learning Catalog for the latest DASA training schedule.


  • Audrey Ryerson
    Regional Certification Officer
    P:  (315) 253-0361, ext. 5819