• Teacher Center

    New York’s Teacher and Computer Training Centers were established by the New York Legislature in 1984 under Education Law 316. At present there are approximately 130 centers serving school districts throughout the state. They collaborate with public and private teachers, schools, districts, institutions of higher learning, and other education stakeholders. Our Center, the Cayuga-Onondaga Teacher Center, serves the nine local component school districts of Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES and the private and parochial schools in our region.

    We provide a variety of services and programs to enhance the professional development of teachers. The knowledge and skills acquired by our teachers supports their classroom instruction and has a positive impact on students’ academic and social performances. The Center made a concerted effort to involve the regions private and parochial schools in its 2017-2018 activity. They are encouraged to make use of all of the professional development programs offered by the Center. We have also maintained a productive relationship with Syracuse University, making use of the valuable human resources of their staff which enriches the program offerings of the Teacher Center.

    The Center is governed by a Policy Board whose members are selected from the component school districts. While a majority of the board members are teachers, administrators and parents, higher education and the private and parochial schools are also represented on the Board. The Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES serves as the Local Education Agency (LEA), as a sponsor of the Teacher Center.

    Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Action Research and Collegial Circle Applicants!

    Action Research:

    • Jennifer Gabak, Using Tech to Increase Math Competency and Student Engagement in 5th Graders
    • Christina Lupo, Creating a Culture of Reading
    • Moravia HS: Janie Campbell/Erin IaIa, It’s More than a School Store, it’s Life!
    • Union Springs: Chelsea Ryan/Matthew Gonio, Did students move up at least 1 level on teacher created rubric with a co-taught SS/ENL Course?
    • Jordan-Elbridge: Abbey Morgans, Does Having a Trusted Adult in School Improve Student Connectedness?

    The Teacher Center is offering an exciting staff development service. Beginning the first semester of this school year, a Request for Proposals (RFP) to engage in Action Research projects will be available. Potential participants should review all information included prior to applying for an Action Research Project. Of particular importance are the requirements for the participation of a research team and the financial incentives. Teachers may submit only one Action Research application. Click here to access the application!

    Collegial Circles:

    • Skaneateles:
      Connie Bohrer, Elizabeth Smith, Rebecca Goodell, Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction
      Ivy Neils, Monique Ryan, Anne Monteal, Bridget Patterson, Jo-Ann Trice: Accelerating K-8 Math Instruction

    • Auburn:
      Eunice Moreno, Kacey Marsh, Alana Bell, Johanna Leonardi, Janna Fiermonte-Rodiguez, Transitioning to the NYS World Language Standards
      Louis Spagnola, Brian Bealer, Emma Clark, Michael Heins, Dichotomy of Leadership-Book Study

    The Cayuga Onondaga Teacher Center Policy Board is happy to again announce the availability of an exciting professional development opportunity. The program Collegial Circles provides teachers with structured time for reflection on classroom practices. The program enables teachers to take responsibility for identifying and satisfying needs for professional growth. It establishes a formal teacher support vehicle for sharing expertise through group processes. Click here to access the 2024-2025 Application!


    CTLE Information and Assistance Video


    Minutes will be posted once they are approved by the Policy Board.

    Folder to Board Minutes


  • Brenda Aull-Klaben
    Teacher Center Director
    (315) 255-7608


    Center Hours

    • Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
    • Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
    • Thursday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
    Please call ahead to make an appointment to visit
    the Teacher Center as hours may change.


    • Professional Development Workshops and Conferences
    • Professional Library
    • Lending Library of Books and Equipment 

    Professional Learning Opportunities

    • Poverty Simulation- K-12
    • Book Studies (online, blended or face-to-face)
    • Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind by Eric Jensen (Fall)
    • Grading Smarter Not Harder by Myron Dueck (Winter)
    • Poor Students Rich Teaching Mindsets for Change by Eric Jensen (Spring)
    • Green Screen Activities - Grades K-12
    • Breakout EDU 3-12
    • iPad Integration Support
    • Tech Tools for Teachers
    • New Sub Training
    • Office 365 Training and Support
    • Digital Tools for Formative Assessment
    • Action Research Opportunity
    • Collegial Circle

    2023-2024 Policy Board Meetings

    * All meetings will be virtual from 4-5PM and members will receive a link one week prior to meeting. We follow open meeting law and all meetings are open to the public. Only invited guests may speak at the meetings. A zoom link will be shared upon request.

    Sept. 20

    Oct. 18

    Nov. 15

    Dec. - No Meeting

    January 17

    February 28

    March 20

    April 17

    May 15


    2023-2024 Policy Board Members

    Director: Brenda Aull-Klaben
    Business Rep: Lisa Rouse
    Vice Chair: Sara Mullen (Weedsport)
    LEA Rep CO BOCES: Pam McHenry
    Auburn Admin: Amy Mahunik
    Auburn: John Ferrara
    Auburn: Amy Vitale
    CO BOCES: Janine Svitavsky
    Cato-Meridian: Susan Evans
    Jordan-Elbridge: Abbey Morgans
    Moravia: Courtney Coningsby
    Port Byron: Patty Tamburrino
    Skaneateles: Ivy Neils
    Southern Cayuga: Emma Greenfield
    Union Springs: Katie Dennis
    Parent Rep: Renee Lawrence
    Higer Ed Rep: Penny Lupo